As evidence to their predominantly shamanistic past the legend of Dan-gun is retold to each new generation in Korean society. Descended from heaven, Dan-gun is considered the progenitor of the Korean people. Although regarded as a myth, there has been some dispute to whether this god-character really existed. Some recent finds have questioned this very question.
The story goes that Hwan-ung, Dan-gun's father, was sent from the heavens to Taebaek Mountain which lies between the border of North Korea and Manchuria to rule over the world. He named the area "Shin-shi," the City of God. Along with his ministers Clouds, Rain and Wind, Hwan-ung provided humans with laws, moral principles, and educated them with the knowledge of arts, medicine and agriculture. He heard the pleas of a bear and tiger desperately wanting to become human. Taking pity on them Hwan-ung gave them 20 cloves of garlic and a bag of mugwort. They were to eat all of them and stay out of the sun for 100 days. The tiger gave up after a short while but the bear ate everything in the time allotted. After 21 days, the bear turned into a woman.
The story goes that Hwan-ung, Dan-gun's father, was sent from the heavens to Taebaek Mountain which lies between the border of North Korea and Manchuria to rule over the world. He named the area "Shin-shi," the City of God. Along with his ministers Clouds, Rain and Wind, Hwan-ung provided humans with laws, moral principles, and educated them with the knowledge of arts, medicine and agriculture. He heard the pleas of a bear and tiger desperately wanting to become human. Taking pity on them Hwan-ung gave them 20 cloves of garlic and a bag of mugwort. They were to eat all of them and stay out of the sun for 100 days. The tiger gave up after a short while but the bear ate everything in the time allotted. After 21 days, the bear turned into a woman.
Ungnyeo, the bear-woman made offerings to Hwan-ung as thanks but was lonely for companionship and prayed for a child under a sandalwood tree. Touched by her loneliness, Hwan-ung married her and soon blessed her with a son. She named him Dan-gun meaning sandalwood. He grew to be a wise leader and established the kingdom of Go-Joseon in Pyeongyang now in North Korea. Later on he returned to Taebaek Mountain and became a god. North Korean officials claim they have found the burial site of Dan-gun in the region.
by Paula Kim
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